The Book

Ten-year-old Haniah lives a carefree life nestled snugly in the hills of Gathbiyya, until the night her family’s farm is attacked by a band of ravaging goblins. Left alone with the knowledge to find the magic that will restore the kingdom and her family, Haniah confronts dragons, fairies, and elves with an eclectic group of friends she meets along the way.

With a background in computer game development, I noticed a void for stories that empower young girls. This novel instills a sense of courage and imagination for young girls, similar to what The Hobbit has done for young boys.

A Publisher

This coming year has some great things in store for both you and me. I am excited to announce that my publisher and I have finalized the release date of my new book, Haniah and the Golden Gem. It will be available August 15th 2017.

To give some background. A little over a year ago I set out to write a book for my daughter Hannah. She loves to read books. I thought to myself what better way to show my feelings for her than to include them in a story for her. After six months of writing I presented the book to Hannah. She felt the story was good and should be shared with more people. With her encouragement I sent the manuscript to a select group of publishers. One of those publishers was Snowy Peaks Media located in Logan Utah. Its parent company Ring Masters has been around for 30 years and is known for making the LDS CTR rings.  Ring Masters has grown their business to now include book publishing. I am grateful to say they are going to be the publishers of Haniah and the Golden Gem.  One of the reasons they chose the book was because they liked the sweetness of the character Haniah which was modeled after the sweetness of my own daughter Hannah.

Thus far I have started working with their editor to make Haniah and the Golden Gem even better than it already is. Working with an editor is fun because they come back with ideas and perspectives I had not thought of myself. It gives me great joy knowing others are going to have a chance to read this wonderful book.

All my best